Palo Alto Data Center

Modern applications are complex, interconnected networks of bare metal servers, virtual machines and containers, hosted on-premises in data centers and in public cloud environments. As application teams demand more automation, speed and agility, security teams try to regain visibility and control using a patchwork of security tools and policies. The results are often gaps in the enterprise security posture, overcomplicated reporting and compliance, and challenges with security management. Worst, the trend is growing.

Protecting your data and applications requires deep visibility and consistent, best-in-class security controls across physical, virtualized, containerized and cloud environments.

Get visibility. Reduce your attack surface. Prevent threats.

To protect your hybrid cloud environment, you need a solution that provides:

Complete visibilityGain complete insight into user, device, network, and application activity across all your on-premises data centers and private and public clouds with greater contextual awareness that maps to business requirements and risk.
Minimized opportunities for attackPrevent attackers from moving inside the data center and across multi-cloud environments by applying granular access control across north-south and east-west traffic using a combination of physical and virtual firewalls
Automated threat protectionDiscover threats and malicious activity, block threats in real-time, and automatically isolate infected hosts to minimize business disruption and prevent data loss.